Last updated: 2024-05-21
Date of effect: 2024-05-28

**Article 1 (Purpose)**
The purpose of these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") is to stipulate the conditions and procedures necessary for the use of services such as Risu Account, RisuRealm, and RisuRealm (hereinafter referred to as "Services"), as well as other necessary matters.

By using these Services, you agree to the provisions of these Terms. If you do not agree to part or all of these Terms, you may not use the Services or may be restricted from using certain features.

**Article 2 (Definitions)**

1. "Risu" refers to the provider or operator of the Services.
2. "User" refers to a person who agrees to these Terms and uses the Services provided by Risu.
3. "Content" refers to images, audio, video, 3D models, text, AI-generated content, etc., created or shared by the User while using the Services.
4. "Save Data" refers to data created by the User while using the Services.

**Article 3 (Effectiveness and Changes to the Terms)**

1. These Terms apply to all Users who wish to use the Services.
2. The content of these Terms becomes effective by being posted within the Services or by other means of notification to the Users.
3. Risu may change the Terms. The changed Terms become effective by being posted within the Services or by other means of notification to the Users. However, in the case of changes unfavorable to the User, at least 7 days' prior notice will be given.
4. Users who do not agree to the changed Terms may discontinue using the Services and withdraw.
5. Risu is not responsible for any damages incurred by Users due to their failure to recognize changes to the Terms.

**Article 4 (Supplementary Provisions)**

Matters not specified in these Terms shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations, and by the terms of use and operational policies set by Risu, including Risu's notices.

**Article 5 (Formation of the Usage Agreement)**

1. The usage agreement is formed when the User completes the service registration application or clicks the agreement button within the Services.

**Article 6 (Account)**

1. Risu issues accounts to Users through Risu Account.
2. Users are responsible for managing their IDs and passwords. Risu is not responsible for any damages resulting from negligent management.
3. Users cannot change their IDs.

**Article 7 (Obligations of the Service)**

1. Risu provides the Services 24/7, except for special circumstances.
2. Risu has appropriate security systems in place to protect Users' personal information.
3. Risu will make efforts to reflect Users' requests in the improvement of the Services.
4. Risu will not provide Users' personal information to third parties without the Users' consent.

**Article 8 (Obligations of the User)**

1. Users must comply with relevant laws and these Terms when using the Services.
2. Users must not engage in the following activities while using the Services:
    1. Collecting personal information of others
    2. Interfering with the operation of the Services
    3. Compromising the stability of the Services
    4. Infringing on the copyrights of the Services
    5. Infringing on the copyrights of others
    6. Engaging in other activities that violate laws
3. Users must respect the intellectual property rights and other rights of Risu and others while using the Services.
4. Users must comply with the regulations specified in the Services.

**Article 9 (Interruption of Services)**

1. Risu may interrupt all or part of the Services for operational or technical reasons.
2. Risu will notify Users in advance of any service interruptions.

**Article 10 (Provision of Services)**

1. Risu provides the Services to Users who use the Services.
2. Risu may store or use Users' Content and Save Data for the operation of the Services.

**Article 11 (User Content)**

1. The rights to Content created by Users while using the Services belong to the Users.
2. Users may grant licenses to their Content which are shared in RisuRealm.
3. The licenses granted by Users do not apply to images, audio, video, 3D models, or AI-generated Content and etc. only to text.
4. Users must comply with the licenses applied to other Users' Content when using it.
5. Risu may delete Users' Content in the following cases:
    1. Violation of these Terms
    2. Violation of laws
    3. Violation of community standards
6. Risu stores Users' Content.
7. Risu may use Users' Content regardless of the license in the following cases, and Users agree to this. This includes cases where there is no license.
    1. For the operation of the Services
    2. To provide Users' Content to other Users
    3. To modify Users' Content
    4. To distribute Users' Content
8. Risu may use Users' Content shared in RisuRealm commercially regardless of the license in the following cases, and Users agree to this. This includes cases where there is no license.
    1. Advertising within the Services where Users' Content is posted
    2. Donation to the Services where no benefit is provided to Donors except for visual effects
    3. Sale of services that do not directly use Users' Content within the Services where Users' Content is posted
9. In the cases of paragraphs 7 and 8, Risu does not claim ownership of Users' Content and will strive to follow the licenses chosen by Users.
10. In the case of paragraph 8, item 3, Users may refuse. In this case, Users' Content will not be provided in the relevant service. The refusal procedure is provided within the Services. However, as default, Users agree to the provision of Users' Content.
11. Paragraph 7 doesn't apply in case of commercial use, except for the operation of the Services.
12. Users may delete their Content. In this case, Risu will delete the Content, and the deleted Content cannot be restored. However, Risu may retain the data of the deleted Content for up to 30 days.
13. the refusal procedure which is described in paragraph 10 would be provided within the Services in 7 days after the change of the Terms.
14. Even with Risu's best efforts, If Users' Content is used by a third party, Risu is not responsible for the damages caused by the use of Users' Content.

**Article 12 (Limitation of Liability)**

1. Risu, its affiliates, agents, suppliers, and subsidiaries are not responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential damages, including loss of profits, data loss, use loss, goodwill, or other intangible losses.

**Article 13 (Copyright)**

1. Risu respects the intellectual property rights of others and requires the same respect from Users.
2. In accordance with the DMCA, Risu may remove Content from the Services upon receiving a DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement.

**Article 14 (Disclaimer)**

1. The Services are provided "as is." By using the Services, Users acknowledge that the use of the Services is at their own risk. Risu disclaims all warranties, including implied warranties, regarding the use of the Services.